A Hunter and his... Devilsaur?

Yes that's right, I got myself a Devilsaur as my Ferocity pet. Un'goro Crater is probably my favorite zone in the game still. Where else can you find steamy jungle, a volcano, and giant-sized T-Rex mobs trying to sneak up on you? Add in some real Nintendo fanboy stuff with the Mario & Luigi and Zelda references and I can't resist. I love going back there to do my daily quest for the Venomhide Raptor mount (which I can't wait for).

I wasn't really sure if the Devilsaur you ended up with as a hunter had anything to do with the actual one you tamed so i hunted around for the one that I believe had racked up the most kills against me... the Ironhide Deveilsaur. I tracked him down threw down a freeze trap and started the tame. It was over before he got out of the trap and as he shrunk down to hunter pet size he changed skins into a non-unique Devilsaur hunter pet looking graphic, much to my dismay. Although, I have gotten several comments on him so far.

I named him Lou after Dante's original raptor pet back on Durotan in the very early days of WoW. If anyone know how to get a hold of Dante... please point him here ;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

haha, good old Dante and Lou :)