Tanks Breaking Crowd Control

This is a repost of something I posted a while back on our guild forums. It is important enough to repeat however so here we go...

One thing I have noticed in recent PUGs, Heroic, and even some raids is that some Warriors don't break Crowd Control properly.

The ONLY reason you should ever be breaking crowd control with a ranged weapon is if getting that close will aggro more mobs. Otherwise a Shield Slam will always be your best bet when breaking crowd control. With a decent hit rating for a tank your Shield Slams will rarely if ever miss and it is not uncommon to see 1k+ Shield Slam crits. With the extra threat it generates and the large damage potential it is the best skill you have for breaking crowd control.

Read on for more...

Just make sure to build some rage on up on the previous mob before it dies. And you can easily fire off a Shield Slam -> Shield Block -> Devastate -> Revenge combo to put you sufficiently ahead of the group on the threat meter.

Another thing to note is if you know the mob is going to make a beeline for someone squishy, due to threat issues, you can do a couple things to help save that person from being hit. Taunt before breaking the Crowd Control if the mob is tauntable. If they are still after a squishy and are stunnable hit 'em with a Concussion Blow to give yourself a few more seconds of threat buildup. If by that point you still don't have aggro, then what you have is a case of noobaggro and there is nothing you can do but let the noob die. (Sadly this is me in more cases than not, I blame my uber DPS)


Anonymous said...

Gotta agree that Taunt + SS is the way to go. I will however use my ranged weapon to line of sight ranged/caster mobs on occasion. Anyway nice to see another warrior blog popping up. Best of luck!

Swathorn said...

Thanks! I've been having fun getting things together over here. I find I generally have a lot to talk about but no one to listen so this whole blogging thing is right up my alley :)