Love seeing Warrior domination in Eye of the Storm. We had a couple good healers in this match if I remember correctly. The trick to getting a healer to tag along with you in EotS is to save them from being killed as often as possible. Intercept, Intimidating Shout, Hamstring, Piercing Howl, whatever you can do to keep people off of your healer. Do that and they will very quickly realize that keeping you alive is in their best interests.
A good damage dealing tip for EotS is heavy usage of Sweeping Strikes and Whirlwind / Cleave. People tend to bunch up a lot when fighting for the nodes, use this to your advantage. As the fight for a node begins build up some rage, and when you have a good 3+ targets nearby Piercing Howl -> Sweeping Strikes -> Whirlwind -> Cleave Spam. If you are lucky one will go down and you can get a free Victory Rush in there.
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