I constantly find myself respeccing. I raid as a Fury Warrior to maximize my PvE DPS and in doing so I consistently end up in the top 3 for DPS for our Kara raids. When it comes time to do my Arenas I find myself respeccing to Arms (mace spec) so that I can be most effective for my team. If we are short tanks one night I may go respec so that I can Main Tank. I have gear enough to play any of these roles, but yet I am still hindered by my Talent Spec.
On one hand I could stay Fury all of the time, but let's face it, the spec is no longer viable in PvP. In PvE Dual Wield Fury is the way to go for melee DPS no doubt. However we lost both Death Wish and Imp. Intercept from our Fury tree which took away any previous justifications for staying Fury for Arena / PvP. These days the Hybrid Arms / Fury specs are ruling the Arenas / BGs.
On the other hand I find it incredibly difficult to play and Arms spec in PvE and provide consistent high DPS. The major issues I find with this spec in PvE are lack of smooth rage generation vs. life expectancy of the mobs. Meaning when fighting trash mobs I feel like I never have enough rage to use as many Whirlwinds, Slams, or Mortal Strikes as I would like. Mortal Strike however is an incredible skill for Arenas and Battlegrounds, don't queue up without it.
I realize there are other classes out there that are in the same boat, but I still don't think the difference in specs is as dramatic as it is with the Warrior class. All I can say is thank god for daily quests!
14 years ago
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