Last night we did from Curator up to Chess with a quick attempt on the Prince but it was late so we didn't try more than once. So with everything fresh in my mind and a cup of coffee to help I figured I would bang out the second part of my Fury Warrior guide to Karazhan which covers Shade, Illhoof, Chess, and the Prince.
Once again it's a long read so hang in there!
Trash up to Shade
Your typical trash here, just realize that a lot of the mobs are stunnable so take advantage of it to help save the squishy people. DPS Away an if a tank or a CCer goes down on some of the larger pulls you should be able to switch to defensive and tank away without too much trouble. A lot of magic damage up there so the Armor and Defense doesn't do you much good anyways.
Shade of Aran
I love this fight. It keeps the whole group on its toes while basically being an all out DPS fest. Stay close to Shade the whole fight unless you are running to the walls to avoid an Arcane Explosion. Make sure you coordinate with the other melee on who is interrupting Fire and who is Interrupting Ice spells. Let the Arcane Missles go unless they are going to kill someone.
When the Elementals spawn you should be assisting the Main Assist (or if you are the Main Assist get a target quickly) and burn them down. One of the things I am learning on Shade is that if Shade is casting Blizzard when the Elementals are up get in behind the Blizzad as it goes around the room and take down the first elemental you can get to.
Remember to save your Healthstones until right after you get hit with the Pyroblast. If the Pyroblast didn't kill anyone I hit Recklessness right away to burn him down as fast as possible. If a few people dies I might hold off on it until I see how the DPS is lookin'.
This fight is a lot of fun for a Fury Warrior I think. The only one who out damages me on this fight consistently is the Warlock and the Seed of Corruption for obvious reasons. During this fight I heavily recommend using Sweeping Strikes -> Whirlwind/Cleave as often as Rage allows for. You will get killing blows on the imps constantly and you will be spamming Victory Rush on the Boss every few seconds. If for some reason Victory Rush isn't up throw a Heroic Strike or two in there.
Make sure you create a macro for /target Demon which will allow you to get on the Demon Chains as fast as possible to try and save whoever is being sacrificed.
Trash up to Chess
This is probably some of the easiest trash in the dungeon IMO. As long as you have a Priest or two and a Pally or Hunter to Fear / Trap, you can plow through the larger pulls relatively quickly. Once through the larger pulls you have a decent amount of single pulls to clear to the Chess Event.
Not really much to say here just make sure you learn what each piece does and how to use their abilities. Be aware that the move and face commands are on a painfully slow timer. So moving next to an enemy piece is likely to get you pounded on without you doing anything until you can turn your piece to face the correct direction. This is really a very easy challenge. I've only seen it failed once.
Prince Malchezaar
While this fight favors the Ranged classes a Fury Warrior can still stay in the top 3 DPS easily on this fight. Run out when you get Enfeebled then Intercept back in. Your Intecept timer should be up every time. If the Enfeeble doesn't hit you pop Berserker Rage, position yourself with your back against the wall as best as you can and eat the Shadow Nova for a full Rage bar. During Phase 2 I usually pop a health potion when this happens just so healers don't have to worry about me.
Phase 2 is pull out all of the stops time. Use all of your cooldowns (if you are confident in your group throw Recklessness now as well) you want to burn him down through Phase 2 as fast as possible. In Phase 3 switch to two fast weapons and bring on the Executes. If you get the flying Axes hitting you switch to Battle Stance quickly so you aren't taking extra damage. Other that the Infernals dropping from the sky its actually a decent fight.
Well I hope this guide has been useful to someone! I had fun putting it together and once I get some experience in taking down Netherspite and Nightbane I'll put together some tips for them as well.
14 years ago
Doing my Kara attunement now and building up both a tanking and a dps spec. This will certainly come in handy, because once my guild starts Kara, I have to really shine or I'm gonna probably have to go prot, which is not really my cup of tea.
Attumen, Moroes, Maiden, Opera (Oz), Curator, Chess done.
Curator was highly problematic until I convinced the raid leader to let me soak the bolts and just dps him constantly. The bear tank and I took him down to 89% before the first evocate, and we took him down after only two evocations. No surprise that I was miles ahead on damage done.
Going for the Prince this weekend, as well as Shade, Illhoof and Netherspite.
The toughest fight for us so far has been Moroes, due to having just a single shackle. I'm usually OT on Moroes with my shield out (dps suffers) while our prot warrior OT is tanking one of the adds. The usual wipe is either an early mana burn on a healer or a shackle gets loose, attacks someone, distracting the healers. I get and stay blinded, Moroes one shots main healer.
I would argue for the sake of healers that you should run out on shadow nova in the Prince fight regardless of Enfeeble hitting you. Its quite an intense fight for them.
Did a full kara run the other night in just under 3 hours, having a feral druid and enhance shammy with a fury warrior in the same group is like watching a nuke go off in that place. My average dps for the run was 850-1000 and I was spiking to around 1300 on most bosses (1700 on curator). I definitely proved my old guild wrong when they said that fury warriors are useless in raids lol.
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